Ed Clark

Discover the latest eco-friendly golf gear and apparel from top sustainable golf brands in 2024. From eco-friendly golf polos to organic cotton jackets, find everything you need for your sustainable golf practice.

2024 Sustainable Golf Brands: Eco-Friendly Golf Equipment and Apparel

Ed Clark

Golf is not just a sport; it’s a relationship with nature. It’s about the gentle whisper of the wind, the ...

Learn about the new USGA golf ball regulations and how they'll affect both PGA golfers and amateur players. Find out how the roll back will conform to 2028 and 2030 standards.

New USGA Golf Ball Regulations: Impact on PGA Golfers and Amateur Players

Ed Clark

Golf has always had a rich history of rules, regulations, and standards that govern the game, ensuring fairness and maintaining ...

Explore the history of golf etiquette and the establishment of rules of golf from the 18th century to the modern game. Honour the game's history of courtesy.

The History of Golf Etiquette: Honouring the Game’s History of Courtesy

Ed Clark

From the windswept dunes of Scotland to the manicured greens of the world’s most prestigious golf courses, the game of ...

Discover how golf isn't just a game but also a cardio and a full-body workout. Swing into better well-being with golf cardiovascular benefits.

The Surprising Golf Cardiovascular Perks of a Round on the Course

Ed Clark

For both the seasoned golfer and the curious newcomer, the game of golf presents a unique blend of leisure and ...

Unlock the power of your golf swing with the ultimate guide to golf flexibility. Master your upper and lower body for a game-changing performance.

The Essential Role of Golf Flexibility: Optimizing Your Swing from Tee to Green

Ed Clark

Golf flexibility is the unsung hero of a powerful golf swing. It’s the silent partner to strength, the rhythm to ...

Master the art of how to hit a stinger in golf with our step-by-step guide. Learn to control your shots and conquer the course with precision!

The Art of How to hit a Stinger: From Tee to Green with Precision

Ed Clark

Embracing the Wind with the Stinger Picture this: you’re on a tight fairway, the wind is swirling, and you need ...

Fore a good laugh on the greens, check out our hilarious golf jokes article! Tee up some humor and swing into fun moments on the course.

The Quirks of Golfing Culture: Where Funny Golf Jokes Meet the Fairway

Ed Clark

Golfing culture is ripe with traditions that can seem peculiar to the uninitiated. It’s a world where golf announcers whisper ...

Elevate Your Golf Game with Lag Putting: Master the Art of Distance Control and Reduce Your Scores. Tips, Drills, and More!

Mastering Lag Putting: Pro Tips and Drills for Better Distance Control on the Golf Course

Ed Clark

As any seasoned golfer knows, putting is a crucial part of the game. However, not all putts are created equal. ...

Unlock the Secrets of the Golf Waggle: Elevate Your Swing with the Perfect Pre-Shot Routine. Learn the Essence and Psychology Behind It!

The Subtle Art of the Golf Waggle: Perfecting Your Pre-Shot Routine for a Powerful Swing

Ed Clark

Embarking on a journey through the nuanced world of golf can be both exhilarating and daunting. With every swing, golfers ...

Master the Art of the Pitch with Our Essential Guide to Pitching Wedges. Discover Degree & Loft Secrets, and Elevate Your Short Game

Mastering the Art of the Pitch: The Essential Guide to Pitching Wedges

Ed Clark

Golf is a game of finesse and strategy, where each club in a golfer’s arsenal plays a pivotal role. Among ...

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